martes, 1 de mayo de 2012

Present Perfect :

We use :
  • For actions that happened in teh past, but we don´t say when exactly.
I have visited Cuba.
  • With the time expressions: ever, never,before, so far, yet, already, always for, since, etc.
She has been in Canada for 3 years.

Affirmative Form:

Subject + Has/ have +  verb participle + complement

Eg: She has been a teacher for 14 years.

Negative Form:

Subject + hasn´t/ haven´t + verb participle + complement

Eg: He ha´sn´t come to my house yet.

Question Form:

Has/ have + Subject  + verb participle + complement ?

Eg: Has She worked in KFC?

Bueno ese esel tema de Presente Perfecto. Saludos

Past Simple:

Hi dear bloggers here is:

Past Simple:

we use past simple:
  • For actions that happened at a definity time in the past. We say when
I visited cuba last year.
  • With the time expression: yesterday,in 1995,ago,last week/month, etc.
We did the homework yesterday

Affirmative Form:

Subject + verb(past) + complement/time expression

eg: I went to Canada with my mother.

Negative Form:

Subject + didn´t + verb(past) + complement

eg: We didn´t went to the circus.

Question Form:

Did + Subject + verb basic form + complement ?

eg: Did you like him?

Yes, I did
No, I didn´t

bye c:

martes, 3 de abril de 2012


1.-We use Present simple for:
- abits or things we do regularly.
I go for a run before breakfast.

-things that are generally or always true.
they live in a small village.

Positive form:
I/you/we/they eat something.
he/she/it eats somthing.

Negative Form:
I/you/we/they don't eat something
He/ She/it doesn't eat something

Question Form:
Do I/They/We/you eat something?
Does He/She/It eat something?

Remember :
     When we use She/He/It in positive form, the verb changes add  "s" or "es" in the correct form


Hola bloggers soy Yoshi y este es mi blog de ingles
Espero que les sea de gran uso y puedan ayudarse con muchas
Bueno con ustedes hasta la proxima
Con love, Yoshi